Coastline of Namaqua National Park, South Africa
We're looking out to sea from the coast of Namaqua National Park in the Northern Cape Province of SoutWe're looking out to sea from the coast of Namaqua National Park in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa . Here in this remote corner of the country, the Atlantic Ocean meets a rocky shoreline, where migrating humpback whales may be glimpsed. Farther inland, the terrain is considered an arid semi-desert, and for much of the year you'd believe the description, as very little grows across the vast, flat expanse. But when the rains arrive in August and September, they trigger something extraordinary—a spectacular superbloom of wildflowers. The flowers grow in such huge numbers that they carpet great swaths of land in multicolored profusion . Namaqua National Park is set within the wider Succulent Karoo biome, home to another extraordinary collection of flora: The world's largest concentration of succulent plants is said to grow in this region... See more See less